Let's play two!

Former Chicago Cub Ernie Banks radiated positivity and a love for the game of baseball. Even when the Cubs were in last place, he exclaimed, "It's a beautiful day for a ballgame. Let's play two today." In that spirit, we're going to embrace our good health, weather and simply the privilege of being all the way up here to attempt Gasherbrum II. Tomorrow, we'll make the two-day trek in one long day of fast hiking. Then, if we're tired we'll take a rest day but otherwise get directly to camp two. From there we'll likely establish a camp three though it's possible we'll only use one camp on the mountain if we're feeling super strong. This all sets up for a summit day around July 25. Afterwards, we'll officially close down our expedition, making the long trek out, jeep ride to Skardu and flight to Islamabad in the last days of July.

Gasherbrum II, the world's 13th highest mountain, seen from camp one. The route follows the snow ridge on the left, traverses beneath the rock pyramid, then ascends the righthand skyline to the summit.


G2 summit and safety


Base camp life