
IMG_2088The marquee event of my summer is underway. Brad and I are in tiny (and currently rainy) Talkeetna, Alaska staging for a trip to the Pika Glacier in Denali National Park. We're hunkered down waiting out a historic storm (three feet of fresh snow fell yesterday at Denali base camp) for our bush plane flight onto the glacier. Fingers crossed, we should have a week and a half (completely to ourselves!!) in magnificent surroundings. We've been spending our time hanging out with the locals (population ~800ish, approximately 600 of whom live in the woods in homes accessible only by foot, boat, 4-wheeler or snow machine), chilling in a plane hangar with a guided Denali party, and strolling around town. More news in a bit!IMG_2081


Guest Post: Brad's Pika Glacier Trip Report!


A day on the Grand