Sea Level

IMG_1817This past weekend, a few friends and I caught up with my good friend Zach, who's currently on his way to Alaska the not-so-easy way. Part celebration (he just finished his PhD), part promotion for his dream to build and operate an earth system science experiential learning paradise near his home in southeast Alaska and part personal journey, Zach is walking from Stanford to Port Angeles, Washington, then kayaking the Inside Passage back home to Glacier Bay.Fran, Ronan, Zach and I at Needle RockElk grazing on eucalyptusWe drove up to share a day on the trail together in northern California's fabled Lost Coast and bring him some much needed camping fuel (and leftover pizza!). You can follow his five-month journey at and check in on Zach's exact whereabouts here.This man is going to Alaska!IMG_1848


Everest: The Lost Episode


Everest Ep. 6: Up and Down